Octgn image packs thrones
Octgn image packs thrones

Now you’ll see a couple of empty card templates. version=”” is the version of your own Set, which should probably start at 1.0. gameVersion should be the current version of the LOTR game (you can check in OCTGN what the current version is, but it’s okay if the version you list here is a little outdated). Do not change the gameID property, since that is already pointing to LOTR. Enter the name of your Set into name=””, and copy your set’s GUID into id=”” (this must match the GUID of the folder you created). xml using Windows Notepad, or better yet a program that is designed to work with code, such as Notepad++ (do not use a word processor such as Word). On line 2, you’ll see a tag with some properties. Download the following set_template.xml file and copy it to your new folder, then re-name it to “set.xml” To generate your own GUIDs, go to a site such as:Ĭreate a new folder within \Sets\ and give it a new GUID for a name. And within each of those folders, there is a “set.xml” which defines all the cards included in that Set. So, all we need to do to create a new Set is to create a new folder with it’s own GUID, and create a new set.xml for our new cards. Inside the Sets folder, you’ll see a bunch of folders, each named their own GUID. That long string of letters and numbers is the GUID for the LOTR game. As an example, open up windows explorer and navigate to: xml file full of card data, placed within it’s own Set folder. 2 original stories based on the universe of “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R.R.This guide will walk you through the process of creating your own custom set of cards for use in LOTR.all your actions may have heavy consequences on your adventure! Key Features: Amidst a background of conspiracy and betrayal, try to survive the orchestrated machinations around the Iron Throne.ĭevelop your characters, learn powerful skills, and participate in tactical and spectacular battles sharpen your diplomacy skills to sometimes favor speech over violence. Play as two very different heroes across the two main quests leading you to the heart of mythical locations from Westeros. Game of Thrones is a great Role Playing Game that puts you at the core of a thrilling plot, where your fate will be guided by vengeance, allegiance and honor.

octgn image packs thrones

ONE GREAT ROLE PLAYING GAME, TWO EPIC QUESTSĮxperience an amazing adventure in one of the most complete and fascinating universes in medieval-fantasy literature.

Octgn image packs thrones